Under the same sun: commisioned by The Biennale fur Aktuelle Fotografie at the Bundesgartenschau Mannheim 2023


Which materials and processes are suitable for acting in a resource-conserving and climate-friendly way in analogue photography? With the Reallabor für erneuerbare Fotografie, the Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie and Kalamari Klub invite visitors to the German national garden show 2023 ('Bundesgartenschau', short 'BUGA 23') in Mannheim to explore the relationship between photography and ecology. The starting point is the cyanotype process. It only needs sunlight, water and iron salts to produce the typical deep blue photographic images. 

 Under the title Under the same Sun, artists Carolin Lange and Dico Kruijsse will create a large-scale installation of cyanotypes on the façades of two former barracks buildings on the Spinelli grounds.

Reallabor für erneuerbare Fotografie is curated by Nicolas Reinhart and Christoph Wieland.

Reallabor für erneuerbare Fotografie is a collaboration project between the Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie and Kalamari Klub and is supported by the 'Innovationsfonds Kunst des Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg '.